- Internal Academic Approval of Sponsored Programs (Form 10)(pdf)
- W-9 Form (pdf)
- AP Direct deposit [External Link]
- Postage Request Form (Excel)
Financial Resources
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- CCE Staff Web Site: this site is the main CCE Staff web site and contains useful resource information. The following are some Quick Links to several resources located in the Financial Forms & Resources section.
- Capital Assets/Non-Capital Assets: This site contains a link to Cornell University’s Capital Asset Policy 3.9 as well as to CCE’s internal capital and non-capital equipment procedures, which include processes to follow when equipment, capital or non-capital, is received, has a change in status (re: disposition, location change) or is stolen.
- Cash Management:This site includes procedures related to the handling of deposits (checks and cash), donations/gift checks and checks from sponsors for a grant or contract. These procedures serve to establish appropriate internal controls, which will minimize risk and promote appropriate stewardship of assets as well as accurate financial reporting. In addition, this section includes a link to the CCE-NYC Petty Cash Checking Account Procedure. Links to the web sites for Cornell University Policy 3.1, Accepting Gifts, and Policy 3.22, Accepting Cash and Checks, are also available at this location.
- CCE Guidelines: Includes guidelines and links to other web sites that provides the proposal and reimbursement process information for CU Departments (including CCE NYC) working with CCE Associations.
- Codes: Includes information about account attributes, most often used object, source of fund and CCE special services accounts and project codes, as used in the University’s general ledger system. The most often used object codes are extremely useful in determining the proper numeric classification of expenses incurred (procurement card purchases, reimbursements, direct charges etc.).
- Payment Requests: This site includes information and forms for use in processing Payment Requests for CCE Administration (including CCE NYC), CCE Area Teams (not CCE Association payments). It also includes a link to tutorials for instruction in using the Payment Request system.
- Procurement Cards: This site contains Cornell University’s Procurement Card Policy 3.12 as well as CCE’s Internal Procedures for the University Procurement Card Program.
- Purchase Orders: This site contains CCE’s internal purchasing procedure and forms for use in processing requisitions, purchase orders and vendor invoices. It provides a link to Cornell University’s Purchasing Services home page that contains relevant information related directly to the purchase of goods and services, including preferred suppliers, commodity code lists and various policies and procedures. Cornell University’s Capital Asset Policy 3.9 and the CCE Internal Capital Asset Policy may also be accessed from this site for additional information related to purchasing equipment classified as capital assets.
- Travel-Related / Commuter: This site includes links to the CCE Internal Travel Procedures, and forms for use in processing all CCE travel reimbursements. This site also provides a link to Cornell University Policy 3.2, University Travel, for more information for travel policy related questions. See also the Travel section of the staff page.