Put Some Color In It

Put Some
In It

More Vegetables
Lesson in a Box


Put Color In It Station 400x323


Put Some Color In It is about helping adults eat more vegetables.

Eating 2 1/2 cups of vegetables every day is not that easy.
You can make a difference. Let participants discover for themselves ways to get more vegetables into their meals.

Don’t forget that vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked – canned frozen or fresh – and even in drinks.

Signs and Directions are below. Only copy what you need. Laminate your signs.

 Click on each item below.
Give large files a chance to load.
Get pages you need.


Put Some COLOR In It


print front to back

LIB Sign English Spanish


Activity 1 300x329

Activity 1 Sign and flat food models
English and Spanish

must print double sided
laminate sign and food models

be imaginative – add NASCO food models, canned frozen or fresh vegetables

Activity 2 300x275

Activity 2 Sign and plate pictures 
English and Spanish

must print double sided

hint: prop up page by taping a beverage bottle with its cap on to back. Windy days outdoors fill the bottle with water.

add measuring cups and paper food models

Activity 3 300x318

Activity 3 Sign plate and food pictures
English and Spanish

must print double sided

hint: always laminate page before cutting

22 MyPlate Sign 8_5 x 11 picture

ChooseMyPlate.gov sign

print and laminate or use your larger poster

10 Kid Friendly Veggie Smoothies

optional HEALTH TIP

Kid Friendly Vegetable Smoothies

you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy a vegetable smoothie

DGTipsheet2AddMoreVegetables 150x190

optional first choice ChooseMyPlate 10 Tip Sheet

Add more vegetables to your day

print and laminate

use for your own reference or with interested individuals


optional second choice ChooseMyPlate 10 Tip Sheet

Kid-friendly veggies and fruits

print and laminate

use for your own reference or with interested individuals


DGTipsheet2FocusOnFruits 150x190

optional additional choice ChooseMyPlate 10 Tip Sheet

Focus on fruits

print and laminate

use for your own reference or with interested individuals


optional additional choice ChooseMyPlate 10 Tip Sheet

Healthy eating for vegetarians

print and laminate

use for your own reference or with interested individuals