“Your role as a teacher is to find as many ways as possible for your learners to show you how smart they are.” Dr. Joye Norris

Lessons in a Box (LIBs) and Learning Stations are teaching tools used by educators to connect people to simple nutrition and health messages. LIBs are visual, hands-on tools that promote dialogue. They help educators help people discover for themselves.
LIBs are effective because they offer different people opportunities to learn in different ways.
What is the difference between an LIB and a Learning Station?
- There is no difference between the LIB and Learning Station tool. The difference is in how the educator uses that tool.
LIB (Lesson in a Box): Your audience is captive or in one spot for a period of time.You can conduct a lesson around the LIB.You can evaluate your LIB activity at the end of the session.
Learning Station: Your audience is moving and spends anywhere from a few minutes to possibly 10-15 minutes with you talking about the activities.You can not really obtain evaluation information from your audience.This is typically what happens during marketing events, health fairs or at farmers’ markets.
Please be patient! Web pages with LIB Kit Materials will be developed soon.